About Us
Hi, we are Daniel and Zuleika Deborah Coetzee, husband and wife as well as the co-owners of Tevat Hab’rakha (Ark of Blessing).
Our hearts and calling is to help equip our own and other families to become whole and spirit-filled through teaching, providing products and future services.
Yahweh showed that our primary focus should be the message of bestowing blessings, especially spoken words of blessing and identity formation, onto each other and the next generation.
When we were married, the message preached to us and the witnesses present, was that of Noah’s ark and when praying over this business, we were taken back to this message.
The word “ark” in Hebrew is “teva”, which actually doesn’t mean ‘boat’ at all, but a chest or a box. It is only used twice in the Bible, the other being Moses’ basket. This gives us a whole new and deeper understanding of what the ark actually was and what it most probably looked like.
Blessing in Hebrew is “brakha” and the root word is “barak” which means ‘to kneel’. Thus when bestowing a blessing onto someone, it is done out of a place of humility and showing honour to that person.
When looking at the Hebrew letters of these two words, “teva” can also mean the following according to my own interpretation: The mark of finishing to start something new in the ascended dwelling place built on Yeshua as the firm foundation. Where we will look and behold what He is doing and release His breath of life on earth.
“Bra-kha” can then also mean: The house, the ascended dwelling place built on Yeshua as the firm foundation, is the head and leads with authority and a renewed mind; the mind of Christ. With an open hand calls forth the potential within for the manifestation in the actual, by looking and beholding what He is doing.
The house is us as Holy Spirit’s temple, but can also point to the father of the family. When we bless, we operate as the House, on the Mountain of Yahweh, who has the mind of Christ and operates in wisdom and understanding. We look and behold the individual or circumstances through the Father’s eyes and speak that forth, breathing His breath of life over it and calling it into manifestation in the individual’s life or over the circumstance.
When looking at the ark, it is a spiritual place of intimacy and union with Yahweh that leads to His protection, revelation of mysteries and guidance regarding our scrolls and future. We have to learn how to enter this place and teach our children to do the same.
This is our core message and we trust that the products and services provided here will help every family accomplish all of this in a practical way.